
因應全世界對環保需求的逐漸提升, SMT耗材也逐步走向低污染的高環保標準, 近年來,對SMT事業衝擊最大的環保規範來自無鉛製程, 雖然無鉛製程的可靠度及穩定性,均不及行之多年的有鉛製程。 但是以環保優先的豐赫企業早已準備好無鉛製程相關Know-How。 不但代理的SMD生產設備& Nihon Genma錫製品均能使用於生產條件更為嚴苛的無鉛製程, 並且所有無鉛製程的相關耗材均中的鉛(Pb)、鎘(Cd)、 汞(Hg)、六價鉻(Cr6-)、多氯聯苯(PBBs)與多溴聯苯乙醚 (PBDEs)等含量,均能符合RoHS規範。

Since the world began to pay heed to environmental pollution, so has the production regulation for materials such as SMT increased. In recent years, the toughest stipulation for SMT production factories is eliminating lead from its production. While such lead-free production output may be less stable and reliable, but Sun Delight understands the importance of a pollution-free environment, and has already adopted a method of production that complies with anti-pollution regulations. Moreover, the SMD production facilities that we represent follows the strict guidelines that apply to the emissions of aforementioned chemicals, such as Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg), Chromium (Cr6-), Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs), and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs). In other words, the RoHS guideline is followed.

Nihon Genma錫膏、無鉛錫膏、錫絲、錫棒等錫製品