環境保護 Environmentalism


豐赫企業不但盡全力配合國際環保法規,同樣的,豐赫企業對內也是以環保為優先,相信豐赫企業的合作夥伴均能感受到我們的用心,例如豐赫禁用保麗龍等自然無法分解的包裝材料,並且所有包裝材料盡量使用回收材料。豐赫企業相信,只有尊重地球「以自然為師」的生活態度,擺脫「以自然為奴」的無知思想,我們才能正真享受品質生活,才能對現今生存的環境盡一己之力 。

For centuries, humans have been depleting the natural reserves in order to fuel new technological advances. Thanks to rapid growth in information and technology, we can enjoy a more comfortable lifestyle than ever before. However, most would agree that this has come at a great cost to our environment. Global warming, ozone layer thinning, acid rain and other natural consequences of a polluted earth have rendered us helpless in conquering such natural disasters. Thus, international communities have been focused on strategies to protect the environment from more irreversible damages. For instance, the Kyoto protocol was introduced in recent years to regulate the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by each nation. Another similar policy, the RoHS regulation, went into effect in July of 2006. Its mandate is to restrict the emissions of harmful pollutants such as: Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg), Chromium (Cr6-), Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs), and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs). To do our part, Sun Delight Corp. not only follows the international regulations in our everyday business, we use only recyclable items for packaging. Sun Delight Corp. believes in respecting mother nature, since without a healthy environment we cannot build a strong and sustainable future.